Picture of a D&D Wizard
Wizards are what many think of when they think of spellcasters, but there are many more to choose from!

The first category you will want to familiarize yourself with is Spellcasters. These are the classes that fight with their magic spells and arcane knowledge. They technically can fight with their hands, but they are much more effective when wielding magic. This category includes the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorceror, and Wizard classes. Visit our Spellcasters page to learn more.

Half Casters
Picture of a D&D Artificer
Artificer's combine magic with everyday skills to contribute to their team!

The second category of classes is that of the Half-Casters. These are the classes that can cast spells, and also have pretty good fighting stats. This list includes the Artificer, Ranger, Paladin, and Warlock classes. Go to our Half-Casters page to learn more.

Picture of D&D Rogue
Rogues stick to the shadows and often use distance weapons to achieve their goal.

The third main category is the Martial classes. These are the classes that use their hands, weapons, or sneakery to fight, rather than any magical ability. These include the Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, and Rogue classes. Go to our Martials page to learn more.